Kavi Gauri Mishra

Uttarakhand is the land enriched with natural beauty. Our very own Gauri Mishra belongs to the same, coming from Nainital kavitri Gauri Mishra has a very beautiful and soulful voice. She is very much sincere and passionate about her poetry. The audience feel the same  along with her recitation. She has a profound level of words that will surely touch you. Kavyitri Gauri Mishra is done with more than 500 stages of Kavi Sammelan and Hasya Kavi Sammelan. Kavyitri Gauri Mishra is an inspiration for the young generation as her poetry is quite meaningful and significance. Kavyitri Gauri Mishra is keenly expressive through her words. Poetry lovers invite her from all parts of the country. Kavyitri Gauri Mishra is very imaginative and innovative by words. This is why she can be seen in every second Kavi Sammelan and Hasya Kavi Sammelan. Kavyitri Gauri Mishra is a popular and well-known face in Kavi Sammelan. She is deeply dedicated to her work.

Kavi Sammelan is very in-fashion these days. People love to organise Hasya Kavi Sammelan on marriage ceremonies/anniversaries and other family functions. Also a prestigious list of Medical and engineering colleges are organising Hasya Kavi Sammelan on their annual functions and colleges fests. Kavyitri Gauri Mishra is being invited in Hasya Kavi Sammelan held in such colleges and party. If you are organising a Hasya Kavi Sammelan and want to book the melodious Gauri Mishra, just let us know with your dates and venue. Make a call on 9667414043 or Email us on bookhasyakavi@gmail.com

युवा कवयित्रियों में सर्वाधिक प्रसिद्ध गौरी मिश्रा नैनीताल (उत्तराखंड) की खूबसूरती अपने काव्य के माध्यम से श्रोताओं तक स्थानांतरित करती हैं। गौरी काव्य जगत की नवीनतम डालियों में से एक है जिनकी सुदृढ़ता उनके काव्य पाठ में अभी से परिलक्षित हो रही है। अपनी वाचन प्रतिभा को कर्णप्रिय स्वरों में श्रोताओं तक पहुंचाने वाली गौरी मिश्रा यह समझाने का प्रयास करती है कि श्रृंगार रस की कविताओं में जितना अधिक डूबेंगे उतनी ही गहरी भावों की अनुभूति होगी। वर्तमान समय में गौरी हर प्रतिष्ठित मंच से काव्य पाठ करती नजर आती हैं।  उनकी सौम्य भाव-भंगिमा उनकी कविताओं को और भी ज्यादा सशक्त बनाती है।